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English In Mind 5 Student's Book

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MSU to award honorary doctorate to philosopher Robert Pirsig at December commencementRobert Pirsig, the author and former Montana State English instructor who inspired a generation to look inward to the "high country of the mind" with his book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," will receive an honorary doctorate in December from Montana State University, university officials announced today. Read more...

Located in the Cole Assembly Room of Converse Hall, this class relies on deep discussions surrouding our readings. The professor always welcomes student's commentaries, thought-provoking questions, and I love how easily I can book an appointment to meet with her during office hours. Professors at Amherst offer many times to meet with them outside of class, and it makes it so easy to ask questions and get a better grasp of the material.

Perhaps the coolest thing about this class revolves around the fact that we often meet the authors we read from! For example, we read Spider in a Tree by Susan Stinson, who then came to talk to us more about her vision surrounding the book and to answer our questions! Furthermore, we often read research done by our very own professors here at Amherst. It blows my mind how incredibly priviledged I am to meet with the people who compose the material we read in class. Amazing! 59ce067264


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