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Flash Player Activex Is Not Installed

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Looks like swiff player requires Flash Player ActiveX Control for IE (see GlobFX Knowledge Base: I have installed Swiff Point Player, but I am still not able to insert a Flas...). You have installed Flash Player Plugin (for Firefox browsers). You didn't specify your operating system, however, it appears you have Windows 7 or lower. If so, please do the following.

Now, as can be seen in my screenshot below, the Flash Player plugin installer file named "flashplayer11_2r202_228win_32.msi" works just fine and it installs correctly after I uninstall the newer 11.4 Flash plugin.

But also seen in my screenshot, the ActiveX installer file named "flashplayer11_2r202_228winax_32.msi" will not install and it gives me the error message in the following screenshot below.

Run the latest uninstaller from -player/kb/uninstall-flash-player-windows.html then restart Windows. Make sure that nothing is left in folder C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash then try to install 11.2 again.

I have installed adobe flash player active X, but none of applications can detect it. for example if an application needs flash player it will show an error that it is not installed, sometimes ago everything was fine, but it is about one week that I have faced this issue.

Go to this page, select Windows 7 in Step 1, Internet Explorer in Step 2, uncheck the option to install Chrome, download install_flashplayer11x32ax_gtbd_chrd_dn_aih.exe and run it

If you have Firefox, Safari or Opera installed, repeat step #4 but obviously this time select Other Browsers and download and run install_flashplayer11x32_gtbd_chrd_dn_aih.exe instead

Important: There are two Flash players offered for Windows users: the Flash ActiveX control for Internet Explorer/AOL and the Flash plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Opera browsers. Each must be installed separately, since the Flash plugin installer does not add the ActiveX control and vice versa.

Starting with Flash 9.0.r45 the Flash plugin installer for Firefox and other Mozilla-based browsers does not copy any files to the browser plugins folder. Instead, the files "NPSWF32.dll", "flashplayer.xpt" and related files are placed in the Macromed\Flash folder located in the Windows System directory (e.g., C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Macromed\Flash) and the installer removes any copies found in the installation directory of detected browsers. A Windows registry entry is created enabling each Mozilla browser to detect Flash via plugin scanning (PLID scan). [12]

Plugin scanning explains how to prevent your Mozilla browser from detecting plugins installed in directories specified in the Windows registry for PLIDs by setting the plugin.scan.plid.all preference to false. The problem with disabling the PLID plugin scan is that it disables all plugins that are detected this way, including Flash. A workaround is to copy NPSWF32.dll and flashplayer.xpt from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Macromed\Flash to the installation directory plugins folder. [86] .

Just a quick example: suppose, your application uses a Flash ActiveX player to display a Flash movie or video. The end users would need a Flash player ActiveX to allow your application work properly. Also, keep in mind that Flash player is not capable of loading files directly from the memory. That exposes two major problems: first, you would have to install a Flash player ActiveX, and second, you would have to have the movie in a file. BoxedApp SDK solves these problems: you simply create a virtual file that contains the flash movie, another virtual file that contains the Flash player ActiveX DLL, and virtual registry entries that point to that virtual file. That's it. Now the application "thinks" that that the Flash player ActiveX is actually installed, so the Flash player works just as if the movie file was actually there.

Hi,Just reading posts and found nearly every third post has to do with flash audio and video.Some people asked the question "How to play video in HotPotatoes" And they got it working in HotPotatoes, but


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